Ugly Duck

Ugly Duck

Ensemble Perpetuo and Ugly Duck worked closely to co-produce CITYSCAPES on 25th April 2015 at 47/49 Tanner Street.


We are Ugly Duck. We revitalise underused spaces.

In 2012, we opened our first project space, 47/49 Tanner Street, unlocking an empty 19th century warehouse in Bermondsey for a wide range of creative uses and commercial hires. We have also run projects outside of Tanner Street, with a focus on interdisciplinary arts in addition to pop-up projects in other underused spaces.

We are now Ugly Duck. Read more about why we’re changed our name here.


We believe that space – especially in overcrowded cities like London – should never be left empty. We take vacant and disused buildings and bring them back into creative use; reflecting communities and histories, investigating social issues through arts and enterprise.

These spaces can provide an invaluable incubation space for different disciplines, providing artists with a fresh context from which they can experiment with new ideas. As a social enterprise, we find new and sustainable methods of managing buildings and balance professional hires alongside a programme of multidisciplinary arts projects.

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